Thursday, 20 August 2009

NY shenanigans Part II

- Visited the Brooklyn Zoo, lots of crazy animals including Bisons however most animals were in hiding due to the intense storms of last night.
- A dude sitting across me was cutting his damn long finger nails in the subway. They were so intense that one of them sprung out and hit my knee while he was cutting it. Ironically he had 2 nail clippers on his key chain which begs the question: Why were his nails so long? surely someone with 2 nail clippers would have shorter nails.
- I am in serious need of nail clipper action :S.
- Went to a New York Mets baseball game, a lot better than expected although they got owned 14-2 by the Atlanta Braves. Randomly met people who have studied/from Brisbane (sitting in front of us), how coincidental.
- Regrets not bringing camera out.
- Colin's friend Mitch is the unluckiest guy in the world: Saw two girls waiting to pick up lugguage, caught a taxi on his own, the taxi behind him was the two girls ( couldve shared fare). Bought a $27 weekly subway ticket, lost it on his first swipe, his first trip cost him $27.
- Walked past the David Letterman studio... everyone was lining up to see Mike Meyers, but we never saw him.
- Almost made it to the rockerfeller centre.
- Drank like 1 litre of ice tea...didn't have to pee all day because I lost so much water from the heat...... Maccas is not as good as Asia Maccas....
- Colin ordered an Ice coffee at Starbucks without milk, it tasted like crap.. he was too embarassed to ask for milk, he will try and redeem himself tomorrow.
- More epic stories will continue on the next blog


mao said...

new york mets suck... U SHOULD GO SEE THE yankees intead :)
should get some merchandise for the tw kids as a prize!

MR WANG! he had a horror season :P
get some wang shirts

FIGHT NIGHT :S i will KO u:)

mems. said...

wow, strolling in a famous place. what/where is rockerfeller centre?

my friend didnt cut his nails for a long long time and he accidently scratched someones knee and it went bleeding =\

Mikey said...

there r heaps of celebrities just walkin around in NY man. my friend said he saw heath ledger, kevin bacon, and jason biggs in NY. so just walk around the streets and in bookstores etc. u'll find one.

ivatch said...

Mao - what happened to Wang? Mets do suck.. they lost 10-1 to San Francisco the night before. brett favvre also unretired hahaha

Mems - Rockerfeller centre is some famous building where the comedy "30 rock" is based. I think it's some business building, im not too sure

Mikey - Yeh I should walk around Times square more often to bump into celebrities. I saw some local celebrities like the naked cow boy (yuck). YOu should've came mate, you would've loved it