Friday, 28 August 2009

New Mexico Shenanigans Part I

After telling Californians that I was heading to El-Paso, their first response would always be a terrified shock, followed by a response along the lines of " You serious? You're going to get shot! It is right next to Juarez".

Juarez recently has been declared the deadliest place in Mexico where corrupt government, drug cartels and poverty have caused social unrest in the border of Mexico. People are dying on a daily basis which has lead to increased border security throughout the El-Paso-Las Cruces (New Mexico) area. Enough history about Juarez, I ended up in Las Cruces where I stayed with my fellow Angel Maria.

Things that I did

- Ate a year's supply of Mexican Food
- Saw Laurie and her husband, also met her step son and son Josue.
- Attended a funeral :S.
- Reunited with the New Mexican gang Obed, Uziel, Hali, Rosi
- Attended their church service and received a generous donation from them ( as they knew i was going on missions)
- Drove along Juarez at a safe distance ( saw the huge mexican flag)
- Visited the space museum where the monkey is supposedly buried
- Passed the white sands
- Hills have eyes and a whole bunch of movies based in the desert is filmed in New mexico
- Waiters can't understand my accent
- Visited the gang's church, it was great!
- Visited some mountain in the distance
- Saw the sleeping lady
- etc etc

To see photos visit my FB!

1 comment:

mems. said...

whats the sleeping lady O: