Thursday, 6 August 2009

It's all about vietnamese

There's always an ongoing joke where Franklin would always say how I'm always affiliated with anything southeast Asian (Vietnam, Thai, Cambodian, Burmese etc). This was because in uni I was a little darker and my hairstyle was different to what it is today. Anyways, people would always come up to me and speak viet and ask if i was from Vietnam etc. People would also draw comparisons with people like Tony Ja (Ong Bak) etc. Anyways I tend to disagree.

I received a face book friend request from someone called Minh. I think I've met a Minh so I thought I'd do the courteous thing and add him or her back. Anyways when I looked at the friends list I'm the only non viet there! Doesthis guy think I'm viet? Look at this page! it is viet central. (I have nothing against viets, Dam Homa Dang?)

Look at the friends list, filled with Trans Binhs Huoc Trac Vinh Dinh's all sorts of exotic names. While mine stands alone as Ivan Fung.. how boring. maybe I should change my name to Ivan Binh Duoc Truc Trung Phuong

1 comment:

ham said...

Hahahaha, Ivan Phuong